Northumberland County Council has announced that it will re-start printing Public Notices in the Hexham Courant. The Council had been printing Tynedale related notices in the Alnwick based Northumberland Gazette.

Councillor Derek Kennedy used a Freedom of Information request to expose the Council’s decision making, highlighting a unilateral decision by the Chief Executive. The public and other councillors also criticised the decision and this combined pressure has proved successful in overturning this poor decision.

Councillor Derek KennedyI am delighted that my campaigning and the Freedom of Information request has exposed what a poor decision was made. I know a lot of Hexham residents were very upset at the decision by the County Council. As you know, I will always fight for what is right for Hexham and Tynedale. I will not let the Council treat the people with such disrespect. I will always demand justice and I think those in power really need to reflect on their actions and decision making. When you work in public service you must honour the public not abuse your position. We all look forward to seeing the Public Notices for Tynedale in the Hexham Courant.”


Derek Kennedy was re-elected to the Northumberland County Council in May 2017 winning 57% of the Hexham West Division votes.