There are two important events in Hexham on Saturday 12 and 13 November.

Saturday 12 November

The Freedom of Northumberland will be awarded to the 3rd Regiment Royal Horse Artillery in Hexham on Saturday 12 November.  The Regiment will be marching from Wentworth Car Park at 1:30 pm, via Priestpopple and onwards to Beaumont Street for the ceremony.  Please be aware of traffic implications.

Hexham West Independent County Councillor Derek Kennedy said “The regiment specifically chose Hexham as the town they wished to receive the award of the Freedom of Northumberland.  I do hope a lot of people will turn up to show our appreciation of the work they do.”

Sunday 13 November

Remembrance Sunday is 13 November.  Troops will be marching from Wentworth to Beaumont St, for the service in the Park which concludes at 11:00 am.
Councillor Derek Kennedy
said “This is a moving service, well attended by Hexham residents to pay their respect to those who died in service of their country.