Independent County Councillor Derek Kennedy brings you this update on the closure of the railway bridge in Hexham.

Derek said “There are around 30 days remaining until the Hexham Rail Bridge closes for 6 weeks on 6 June.  While It is acknowledged this is essential maintenance of a main road, there is a great need for us all to know what contingency measures will be in place to allow Hexham to manage during the period.”

“I have once again contacted the council to ask questions, unfortunately I have had to wait 2 months for a response but nevertheless I will continue to try and find out as much as I can.”

“I asked if a single lane could remain open on the bridge to allow traffic to flow to the A69, this request has been denied due to the need for waterproofing, resurfacing and gas work replacements taking place.”

“The work will be carried out 24/7 during the 6 weeks including maintenance underneath the bridge, I am told this is the shortest time necessary to complete this major work.”

“My biggest concern is the A69/West Road junction, this is a very fast stretch of road and with extra traffic using the junction it becomes increasingly dangerous.  I have asked that speed restrictions are introduced and other safety measures considered.  The Council have acknowledged my concerns but have not provided any detail as to what will be introduced.”

“Additionally I have requested a free park and ride system using the Tyne Green car parking spaces may help in managing the expected traffic congestion.  I also requested that the Council and Network Rail conduct some drop-in sessions so we all have the opportunity to understand and find out what is expected from us all.  This is a busy town, we have school buses coming from far and wide, delivery lorries for the businesses, residents commuting to and from Hexham to work each day.”

“Communication with the people is key if we are to plan ahead and I am greatly disturbed at the lack of communication coming from the authorities, this will have a huge impact on Hexham and the surrounding area.  I will continue to act on your behalf and ask for more information.”

You can read more about this on the front page of the Hexham Courant this week and read online here