A proposal by Independent Councillor Derek Kennedy to re-introduce cheap parking charges into Hexham’s Wentworth car park has been blocked by the ruling Conservative group on the Town Council.

The proposal was to help mitigate the daily chaos experienced in the Wentworth car park. There is not enough all-day parking for workers and local residents and visitors go round in circles searching for an elusive space.

The proposal was to bring back the:
30p an hour up to a maximum of £2 a day charge;
Annual £100 a year permit scheme;
Remove the confusing red, white and blue bays and replace with white bays only;
The £350,000 a year generated to be put into a new ring-fenced Hexham Trust Fund;
The Hexham Trust Fund to be used to pay for projects such as a new workers car park and a park and ride scheme.

Note – the free parking at for example, Beaumont St and Gilesgate car park would be retained.

Derek Kennedy said “This is not only about trying to fix today’s problems but also looking ahead for the next 5 and 10 years. 50 spaces will be lost at Loosing Hill car park when the bus station moves location. New developments at the M&S site will reduce parking spaces further. We need to plan ahead. The Hexham Trust Fund could be used to develop the Town’s traffic infrastructure such as a workers car park at the old bunker site (behind Tesco) and a park and ride scheme similar to Durham.

Derek added “The change would help stimulate Hexham’s future positively and would engage with other initiatives such as Hexham’s proposed Business Improvement District.”

However, opponents of the scheme commented

Tory Councillor Tom Gillanders said “There are 1,700 parking spaces in Hexham, many unused because people don’t know where they are.”
Tory Councillor Cath Homer said of the Trust Fund “Its simply not going to happen.

The Town Council wants another report to look into the matter.

Hexham Courant Opinion (8/1/16) “Despite a disingenuous attempt to wash its hands of the monster it created, the town council administrations should be taking positive action to make the parking system work, rather than creating obstructions and finding reasons why it won’t work.”

Hexham Courant of 8/1/16 has the full story on page 3 an Opinion on page 10. and a news report here (Hexham Newscast)