Hexham Talks

Hexham Talks

Northumberland County Council held an event at the Queens Hall Hexham on Saturday 11 June inviting the public to talk to council officers, councillors and Hexham Community Partnership among others.

Independent Councillor Derek Kennedy was on hand to talk to officers and local residents.  He said “This was a really interesting event held in a very informal way.  Residents were able to ask lots of questions about all the plans there are for Hexham.

Some of the positive news is the plans for Hexham House to be converted into a civil wedding venue with additional 7 self catering apartments on the first floor.  County Council are investing £1.5 million with the plans expected to go to planning in the next few weeks and the opening of Hexham House for weddings by Summer 2017.  This is great news and something I have supported for a number of years, this is a flagship investment.”

Prospect House near the old gaol has been sold to a developer and I understand that this is likely to become apartments.

While there were some positive news, I am still questioning the positioning of the new fire station next to the hospital, this area of town is very busy with the new bus station opening in September 2016.  I agree the need to move the fire station away from the flood plain but County Council spent £hundreds of thousands on a site on the West Road near the golf club.  The site was cleared ready to be built on and then abandoned it.  I’ve asked the Council to explain what they intend to do with this redundant site.

“One thing I was confused by was the lack of advertising of this event not many people knew of it which was a real shame. Also it being timed during the bridge closure was a little odd, it was unfortunate that the Highways department was not present to answer queries.”

A good event in general, I do hope this is repeated again.”

6th JUNE – Hexham Rail Bridge Closure

6th JUNE – Hexham Rail Bridge Closure

6 June is the date the Hexham Rail Bridge closes for essential maintenance. The Bridge will be strengthened, gas infrastructure replaced and road surface repairs take place. The closure lasts 6 weeks with work being conducted 24/7.

Independent Councillor Derek Kennedy attended a recent drop in session with Network Rail to find out more.

Derek said “Hexham is likely to face the worst traffic congestion in its history during these 6 weeks. Everyone must be prepared for delays.”

“I have been in constant contact with the authorities about their plans to ensure the A69 and West Road junction is safe. I’ve learned the A69 speed will be reduced to 30mph with traffic cones to funnel vehicles safely. ”
Traffic from Haydon Bridge will not be able to turn right into the West Road. Traffic will have to travel to the roundabout and turn back down the A69 and then enter the West Road.

The Rail Bridge will be open to pedestrians with businesses and Tyne Green on the north side of bridge available for use.

All train services will operate as normal and to timetable. A revised bus timetable will be in operation.

Network Rail can be contacted on 03457 114141.

Old Swimming Pool Flats

Old Swimming Pool Flats

After 2 years of planning, McCarthy & Stone have pulled out of the development at Hexham’s old swimming pool.  45 luxury retirement flats were to be developed into a seven story building. However the developer has stated the site is too much of a challenge.

Independent Councillor Derek Kennedy said “This is desperately disappointing news.  The development would have resulted in retired people living directly in the centre of town
and using the many facilities.  It would have tidied up the redundant old swimming pool site on Market Street and the area on Haugh Lane.  We are now left with unused space, coupled with the Links building that has recently been closed

Tynedale Council spent circa £500,000 in 2006 to purchase the two bungalows on Haugh Lane with the idea of knocking them down to provide sufficient space for flats to be built and incorporated into the old swimming pool building, these plans are now in tatters.

So what now for these sizeable site in a key location?  Some local people are repeating the calls for a multi-story car park to be built on the land.  So what now for this site……..?

You can read more at the Hexham Courant web site – click here

Hexham Bandstand Restoration Completion

Hexham Bandstand Restoration Completion

Hexham Bandstand Ceremony

Hexham’s Bandstand has a re-dedication ceremony on Saturday 14 May.

At 11:30 the Hexham Brass Band will be playing and then at 12:00 a dedication from Reverend Canon Doctor Dagmar Winter will take place.

£125,000 has been spent to bring the bandstand back to a great splendour.

Independent Councillor Derek Kennedy visited the site and said “Workmen continue to work on the bandstand to get it ready for its grand opening on May 14th. You are most welcome to come along to the opening ceremony, I look forward to seeing you. The bandstand has a special place in all our hearts, it’s pleasing to see the work is nearly complete.

Railway Bridge Closure Update

Railway Bridge Closure Update

Independent County Councillor Derek Kennedy brings you this update on the closure of the railway bridge in Hexham.

Derek said “There are around 30 days remaining until the Hexham Rail Bridge closes for 6 weeks on 6 June.  While It is acknowledged this is essential maintenance of a main road, there is a great need for us all to know what contingency measures will be in place to allow Hexham to manage during the period.”

“I have once again contacted the council to ask questions, unfortunately I have had to wait 2 months for a response but nevertheless I will continue to try and find out as much as I can.”

“I asked if a single lane could remain open on the bridge to allow traffic to flow to the A69, this request has been denied due to the need for waterproofing, resurfacing and gas work replacements taking place.”

“The work will be carried out 24/7 during the 6 weeks including maintenance underneath the bridge, I am told this is the shortest time necessary to complete this major work.”

“My biggest concern is the A69/West Road junction, this is a very fast stretch of road and with extra traffic using the junction it becomes increasingly dangerous.  I have asked that speed restrictions are introduced and other safety measures considered.  The Council have acknowledged my concerns but have not provided any detail as to what will be introduced.”

“Additionally I have requested a free park and ride system using the Tyne Green car parking spaces may help in managing the expected traffic congestion.  I also requested that the Council and Network Rail conduct some drop-in sessions so we all have the opportunity to understand and find out what is expected from us all.  This is a busy town, we have school buses coming from far and wide, delivery lorries for the businesses, residents commuting to and from Hexham to work each day.”

“Communication with the people is key if we are to plan ahead and I am greatly disturbed at the lack of communication coming from the authorities, this will have a huge impact on Hexham and the surrounding area.  I will continue to act on your behalf and ask for more information.”

You can read more about this on the front page of the Hexham Courant this week and read online here

Tynedale Cricket Club

Tynedale Cricket Club

Tynedale Cricket Club’s ground is looking fantastic ahead of the 2016 season thanks to the generous support of Northumberland County Council Members Local Improvement Scheme.

The County Council has provided a grant to the Cricket Club based on Eilansgate, Hexham.  Councillor Derek Kennedy handed over the keys of the grass cutter with David Common from Rickerby Horticulture to David Evans Tynedale CC’s groundsman of and Christine Fletcher, Junior Secretary.

The new cutter will ensure a high quality playing surface at Priors Flat which is the home ground to the successful Tynedale 1st and 2nd XI’s.  Tynedale CC also has over 160 junior members, runs 8 junior teams from U9 – U19 and regularly hosts school, league and county fixtures.

Derek said “This is an excellent club which Hexham is very proud of, it provides great service to the adult and junior teams.  The clubhouse also has good facilities and is regularly used for private functions.”

For further information about the club visit tynedalecricketclub.hol.es

Tennis Club Open Day

Tennis Club Open Day

Tynedale Tennis Club in Hexham, next to the cricket club on Eilansgate, has on Open Day on Sunday 17 April between 1:00 and 4:00. This is a free event with children and adults welcome to come along and try out the all weather courts. You do not need to book just come along please wear trainers, racquets and balls will be provided. Club members will be on hand to welcome you.

Tynedale Tennis Club welcomed President of the British Lawn Tennis Association Cathie Sobin OBE this week, along with Chris Lott and Tom Kinloch of Northumberland Lawn Tennis Asscoiation.

The VIPs were able to see how the club has developed with the recent refurbishment of the Victorian pavilion serving the 9 tennis courts. The VIPs chatted with long serving members including Arthur Wappat, Roger Gutherie and Mary Oliver.

Independent County Councillor Derek Kennedy was also on hand. Derek who is a member of the tennis club and plays for the teams said “It was wonderful to have the President attend the club at the start of the new season. She showed great interest in the developments including the children coaching sessions that David Esther conducts.

Derek Kennedy added “The club welcomes you to come along and see and play tennis at the popular Open Day on Sunday 17 April, I look forward to seeing you.”
For further information visit www.tynedaletennisclub.co.uk

Tyne Green Cycling – The Sandstone Way

Tyne Green Cycling – The Sandstone Way

An impressive 6 foot tall sandstone landmark has been unveiled at Tyne Green, Hexham near Cafe Enna at the Golf Club. The stone represents the start/end point of the Sandstone Way, a 120 mile cycle route from Hexham to Berwick via Bellingham, Rothbury and Wooler.

The Sandstone Way has been designed for mountain bikers and will appeal to all abilities.  It uses a mix of existing rights of way and various surfaces and widths interlinked by the minimum amount of quiet roads possible.

Hexham’s Independent Councillor Derek Kennedy said “This is a terrific boost for Hexham and will bring cycle tourists into our town and put Hexham on the cycling map.  Cafe Enna which is part of the Tyne Green Golf Club is looking to provide facilities for cycle tourists as well as the general public.  Ted Liddle who has led on introducing the Sandstone Way has done a wonderful job.  I am looking to provide support and funding to develop the Sandstone Way in the Hexham area.  On behalf of Hexham and Northumberland thank you Ted Liddle.

Tyne Green play park re-opens after the flooding

Tyne Green play park re-opens after the flooding

The play park at Tyne Green has re-opened.  The park which was badly damaged following the winter flooding has been repaired.

Independent Councillor Derek Kennedy  said “This is a very well used facility and I am delighted the Council has repaired the park in time for the busy Spring and Summer seasons.  My son Oscar is a big fan of the zip wire.”