Critical assistance following cardiac arrest

Critical assistance following cardiac arrest

 Critical assistance following a cardiac arrest 

A newly installed defibrillator device installed at Priors Flat, Eilansgate, Hexham the home of Tynedale Cricket and Tynedale Tennis Club has been called into action.  On Sunday March 14 at 3:30 am, it was used to help a resident in need.

The North East Ambulance Service (NEAS) praised the community effort which led to the installation of the defibrillator.  Alex Mason of NEAS said “It is fantastic to hear of another community accessible defibrillator being used to help someone prior to the arrival of an ambulance.  Due to the nature of the incident we are unable to provide further details, but we wish the patient well in their recovery.  In those first few minutes after someone’s heart stops beating, these are the things that can make a massive difference to the outcome..  Thank you to the cricket and tennis club for installing the device.”

Graeme Robbie, Tynedale Cricket Club, said the project has been made possible thanks to a partnership between England and Wales Cricket Board, the Community Heartbeat Trust and the Club Cricket Charity as part of their defibrillator Supply Project.

Councillor Derek Kennedy, who provided funding of £1,100 via the County Council said “This just shows the importance of these devices that are available 24 hours a day to all members of the public.  It has only been in situ for five months and we are very pleased it has proved its worth by providing such critical assistance.

Hexham Town Council –  Cemetery Office or Town Centre?

Hexham Town Council – Cemetery Office or Town Centre?

Independent Councillor Derek Kennedy conducted a poll on Facebook’s Hexham Matters page asking

Hexham Town Council’s office is at the Cemetery over 1 mile from the town centre.  Do you think the Town Council should have an office in the town centre so you can drop-in to discuss or report matters?

The result of the poll is
515 – in favour of moving the office to the town centre
31 – wanting the office to remain at the cemetery

An interesting debate took place with many people stating they were unaware that the Town Council even had an office and certainly did not know there was one at the Cemetery.

At Monday 8th March Hexham Town Council meeting, a resident Will Allen raised the matter of the poll and asked if it was time to move the office.

My response is its high time the Town Council started to play a much more active role in Hexham life and the first positive move would be to have a presence in the town centre, this will allow people to come into the office to raise and discuss matters.  We need a council that is engaged and close to its people, the Cemetery office is over a mile away and on the fringe of the town and unknown to many people.  It certainly is not a place many will pass while doing their routine activities. Hexham is under pressure following the pandemic and the Town Council should be active and leading in the recovery as we move out of lockdown and businesses and social life starts to re-open.

Do you agree the Town Council should have an office in the town centre?

Is it time Town Council showed more leadership?

Is it time we had some new councillors with fresh ideas and more ambition for the town?

I would love to hear your thoughts.

2021 Local Elections

2021 Local Elections

Hexham West’s Councillor Derek Kennedy has announced his candidacy for the upcoming County Council and Town Council elections. 

Derek has been a Hexham councillor for 18 years said “I have a long record of campaigning and delivering for Hexham residents. I am running for election again as there is so much work to be done for our town.  The Covid virus and lockdowns have had serious impacts on the people and businesses of our town and we need a recovery plan.  The new High and Middle School buildings will be completed for the new academic year in September 2021 this will bring first class accommodation for our students, we need to get safe pedestrian and bus routes to school in place. I am also campaigning for action at the old Bus Station and the empty Police Houses to be brought back into the housing stock. I will continue to support for our disabled people groups and sporting clubs.”

If you are supporting Derek send him an email to

Send Derek your details, he is happy to have a conversation with you.

Thursday 6 May elections are

  • Northumberland County Council
  • Hexham Town Council
  • Hexham Neighborhood Plan
  • Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner

Bunker Site Development

Bunker Site Development

The Bunker Site in Hexham, which is located behind Tesco and the railway line, has started its development. A Travelodge hotel, Lidl supermarket, a fast food restaurant and associated car parking will be built.

The owners of the site Union Property, expect the work to take over a year completing around April 2022.

The site has been dormant for many years with various rumoured plans not being achieved.

Councillor Derek Kennedy said “Hexham like many other areas has suffered greatly due to the pandemic and lockdown, with shops closing and others under pressure. We have to look to the future and be prepared to prosper. A hotel is a welcome addition and will encourage visitors and tourists to spend time and money in our town. There is so much positive development happening in Hexham at the moment which can only benefit the community in the coming years.”

Fairfield Hexham – Police Houses

Fairfield Hexham – Police Houses

Councillor Derek Kennedy has called for Northumbria Police and Northumberland County Council to work together and bring the former Police house at Fairfield Hexham to be reinstated into housing use.

The Police houses were used by Police officers and their families and latterly as social housing.  In 2015 tenants were asked to leave over a three year period as aprt of a plan to sell the estate.  However this has failed to materialise and the houses have remained boarded up ever since.

Derek said “There are 12 houses on the street, two are in occupation and the rest are just boarded up and decaying.  These houses were used by Police Officers families however in recent years they were decommissioned by Northumbria Police and they were looking to sell the whole estates for redevelopment. However, after many years this has not happened and we have what could be perfectly good homes in a prime spot behind the Police Station, Hexham.  I have asked the Council and Northumbria Police to come up with a scheme which brings these homes to life and available. It is a complete waste with some refurbishment these 10 homes would be a welcome addition to the housing stock of the town. I have invited the Police Commissioner to meet me on site to discuss what happens next.”

The Old Bus Station

The Old Bus Station

After four years of the old Bus Station being left like a bomb site Councillor Derek Kennedy said its time for action.

Derek said “The owners of the site Dysart, came to the Hexham Town Council and promised to deliver a fantastic project with shops at ground level, flats above, houses on the Ropery and a walkway through to Mark and Spencers.  I was told by the developer that this would be open to public use by the Autumn of 2019.  Well it’s been a series of broken promises.  The place looks like a bomb site with broken windows, a boarded up building and weeds everywhere.  This is a prime site and look at the state of it, its embarrassing.  The site is now on the market for sale.  The old Swimming Pool on Market Street was left for over a decade and at last we are seeing it being developed into flats, I hope we do not end up with the old bus station left a mess for years to come.  We need the County Council to consider stepping in if no one else is interested.”

Derek added “We are seeing positive projects happening in Hexham including Prospect House, Hadrian House, the old Swimming Pool and land opposite the Hospital being turned into living accommodation.  This is most welcome, the more people who live in the town will help the High Street which is under serious threat and make Hexham a more attractive and sustainable place.”

You can read the Hexham Courant article here

Postboxes are finally replaced

Postboxes are finally replaced

Almost a year after they were stolen, postboxes have finally been replaced.

Three antique postboxes were stolen from Causey Hill, Maiden’s Croft and Beech Hill in Hexham in September.

Derek Kennedy has been in contact with Royal Mail over the last year to ensure the postboxes were replaced with the final installation at Causey Hill being completed recently.

Councillor Kennedy said “It was a relief that the items had been reinstated as they were well-used by more elderly residents in those areas. At last, after a year of toing and froing with the Royal Mail, we have the three replacement boxes in place. It is a disgrace that thieves stole the antique postboxes in the first place.

A69 Hexham Bridge End roundabout works to begin

A69 Hexham Bridge End roundabout works to begin

Highways England are starting their work on the A69.

August 2019, Highways England conduct work to divert utilities at the Hexham Bridge End Roundabout.

September 2019, permanent average speed cameras are being installed between the Hexham West junction and Haydon Bridge.

October 2019, work commences on the upgrading of the Hexham Bridge End roundabout with an underpass being built.  As a safety measure during construction 30mph temporary average speed cameras will be in place.  

The underpass project is expected to take 18 months and be complete by April 2021.

A public exhibition of the works is expected in mid-September 2019.

Work on the Styford roundabout is still intended and Highways England are developing a scheme to implement a flyover.

Councillor Derek Kennedy said “As you may know, we had over 1,500 sign the petition requesting that the £30 million investment be re-directed to the real problems on the A69 single carriage western corridor.  Highways England are however going ahead with the projects to build the underpass at the Hexham roundabout and also to build a flyover at the Styford roundabout. We will now have to prepare for the disruption that this work will bring for the next 18 months or so.  I will continue to provide you with updates as information becomes available.”  

A website is available where you can register to obtain regular updates direct from Highways England the link is

Highways England believe these projects will 

  • create 18 miles of free-flowing dual carriageway between Newcastle and Hexham
  • reduce congestion at the junctions
  • improve access from the A69 and into Hexham
  • make journey times more reliable
  • support economic growth within the North of England

If you have a view on this subject let Derek know by emailing him at

Hexham Tyne Green Defibrillator

Hexham Tyne Green Defibrillator

Photo: courtesy of Hexham Courant

A new defibrillator has been installed at Cafe Enna at Tynedale Golf Club to coincide with the introduction of the Tyne Green Park Run in Hexham.  The device supports users of Tyne Green including the runners, rowers, golfers and many other people who use this public space.

A defibrillator produces an electrical impulse used to restart the heart rhythm following a cardiac arrest.  Councillor Derek Kennedy donated £1,500 from his councillor fund toward the device. 

Derek said “I worked with the Park Run organisers and agreed to provide funds for the defibrillator as this a mandatory piece of equipment to ensure safety for the runners.”  

Claire Knowles a Park Run Director, said ” We are massively grateful to Derek and it just shows the goodwill among members of the community.  We had already raised the £3,000 needed for the Park Run registration and it’s really hard to raise money, so we are extremely thankful for the donation“. 

Hexham’s Park Run takes place every Saturday at 9:00 am on Tyne Green and is already proving to be a great success attracting more than 250 runners.

You can read the Hexham Courant article here