Highways England are starting their work on the A69.

August 2019, Highways England conduct work to divert utilities at the Hexham Bridge End Roundabout.

September 2019, permanent average speed cameras are being installed between the Hexham West junction and Haydon Bridge.

October 2019, work commences on the upgrading of the Hexham Bridge End roundabout with an underpass being built.  As a safety measure during construction 30mph temporary average speed cameras will be in place.  

The underpass project is expected to take 18 months and be complete by April 2021.

A public exhibition of the works is expected in mid-September 2019.

Work on the Styford roundabout is still intended and Highways England are developing a scheme to implement a flyover.

Councillor Derek Kennedy said “As you may know, we had over 1,500 sign the petition requesting that the £30 million investment be re-directed to the real problems on the A69 single carriage western corridor.  Highways England are however going ahead with the projects to build the underpass at the Hexham roundabout and also to build a flyover at the Styford roundabout. We will now have to prepare for the disruption that this work will bring for the next 18 months or so.  I will continue to provide you with updates as information becomes available.”  

A website is available where you can register to obtain regular updates direct from Highways England the link is 


Highways England believe these projects will 

  • create 18 miles of free-flowing dual carriageway between Newcastle and Hexham
  • reduce congestion at the junctions
  • improve access from the A69 and into Hexham
  • make journey times more reliable
  • support economic growth within the North of England

If you have a view on this subject let Derek know by emailing him at 