Councillor Derek Kennedy has called for Northumbria Police and Northumberland County Council to work together and bring the former Police house at Fairfield Hexham to be reinstated into housing use.

The Police houses were used by Police officers and their families and latterly as social housing.  In 2015 tenants were asked to leave over a three year period as aprt of a plan to sell the estate.  However this has failed to materialise and the houses have remained boarded up ever since.

Derek said “There are 12 houses on the street, two are in occupation and the rest are just boarded up and decaying.  These houses were used by Police Officers families however in recent years they were decommissioned by Northumbria Police and they were looking to sell the whole estates for redevelopment. However, after many years this has not happened and we have what could be perfectly good homes in a prime spot behind the Police Station, Hexham.  I have asked the Council and Northumbria Police to come up with a scheme which brings these homes to life and available. It is a complete waste with some refurbishment these 10 homes would be a welcome addition to the housing stock of the town. I have invited the Police Commissioner to meet me on site to discuss what happens next.”