Victorian wall mounted post boxes in Hexham at Causey Hill, Low Burswell and Maidens Walk have been stolen, it’s understood they were all stolen on one evening. The boxes have a value and are likely to be sold on.

Councillor Derek Kennedy said “I am shocked at these thefts, I’ve never heard of such a thing before. There will have been letters such as credit card payments etc that will have been in the stolen post boxes. I will be pressing the Royal Mail to re-Instate post boxes in the areas of the thefts. I would ask the public to be vigilant in case there are further instances of this crime.

Speaking at Hexham Town Council, Police Inspector Pam Bridges said “It is suspected that the offenders travelled into Hexham and the investigation continues.”

If you have any information please ring the Police on 101.

You can also read more in the Hexham Courant here