Independent County Councillor Derek Kennedy recorded his delight that the Hexham Courant will once again be for sale in Hexham’s Wentworth Sports Centre.
Derek is a regular at the gym, said “I am so pleased that we have the Public Notices in the Courant and the newspaper is back for sale in the Wentworth. This has been an unsavoury affair with the County Council damaging its reputation with the public in Tynedale. I can assure residents of Hexham and Tynedale that I will fight against such injustices. I hope the County Council’s officers have learnt a valuable lesson and will reflect on their actions. We are public servants here to serve the public, some need to be reminded of that fact.”
Derek played the key role by using a Freedom of Information request to expose the poor decision making when the public notices were removed from the local newspaper.
Read more at the Hexham Courant