Tynedale Tennis Club in Hexham, next to the cricket club on Eilansgate, has on Open Day on Sunday 17 April between 1:00 and 4:00. This is a free event with children and adults welcome to come along and try out the all weather courts. You do not need to book just come along please wear trainers, racquets and balls will be provided. Club members will be on hand to welcome you.

Tynedale Tennis Club welcomed President of the British Lawn Tennis Association Cathie Sobin OBE this week, along with Chris Lott and Tom Kinloch of Northumberland Lawn Tennis Asscoiation.

The VIPs were able to see how the club has developed with the recent refurbishment of the Victorian pavilion serving the 9 tennis courts. The VIPs chatted with long serving members including Arthur Wappat, Roger Gutherie and Mary Oliver.

Independent County Councillor Derek Kennedy was also on hand. Derek who is a member of the tennis club and plays for the teams said “It was wonderful to have the President attend the club at the start of the new season. She showed great interest in the developments including the children coaching sessions that David Esther conducts.

Derek Kennedy added “The club welcomes you to come along and see and play tennis at the popular Open Day on Sunday 17 April, I look forward to seeing you.”
For further information visit www.tynedaletennisclub.co.uk