Following the announcement by Northumberland County Council that the Railway Bridge at Hexham will be closed for around 6 weeks, some time in 2016, Councillor Derek Kennedy has written to the Chief Councillor and Officers responsible and asked for more information to be given.

Derek said “A great number of people are asking for more details on the Railway Bridge closure.  I have written demanding to know more.  The Town will be brought to a near stand still when this takes place.  Residents need to know so they can work out their travel arrangements and the Hexham businesses need to start planning and understanding the massive impact this will have on their day to day trade.”

Councillor Derek Kennedy has asked

  1. When will the closure start and end?
  2. Will the businesses, Fire Service, the Mart etc. on the north side of the railway be able to operate and move freely to the A69?
  3. Can passengers access the north side of the railway station?
  4. What routes will traffic from the south side of the railway bridge have to use to get to the A69? Is there any contingency plans? The West Road junction with the A69 is particularly dangerous when turning east, is there any controls to prevent potential accidents?
  5. Will pedestrians or cyclists be able to cross the Railway Bridge, if not what is the preferred option to cross the railway line?
  6. Is it possible for one lane on the Railway Bridge to remain open to allow the flow of traffic from the Town to the A69?

You can read the County Council notice of Hexham’s road repairs here.