Child Safeguarding Alert

In early December 2015 Northumbria Police contacted all Hexham Schools because there has been a report of a suspicious male in a car who has approached a 14 year old girl  on Causey Hill, Hexham at 8.30am on 18 November 2015.

“The male was driving what was described as a small black Audi motorcar. He stopped the car next to the female and wound down his window saying that it was nice and warm in his car. At no point did the male attempt to physically get the female into his car. When she got her mobile phone out to use the male drove off.

The male was described as late 30’s to 40’s, white, short dark hair possibly greying and wearing half-moon type glasses. At this time we have not been able to identify the male and there have been no other similar reports.”

There has subsequently been a recent report (20 January 2016) of a further incident involving a black motorcar. The driver slowed as if to speak to a pupil, however they drove away when they realised she was talking on her mobile phone. The police are aware of this incident.

Please reinforce with your child to wherever possible walk with friends, try to stay in well-lit areas and if approached by anyone unknown do not speak to them. It is very important that students report any incidents to the school and that you report any incidents to the police.

Northumberland Police can be contacted at Hexham on 101 and extension 69191 or 999 for an emergency.