This week Hexham West’s County Councillor Cessford resigned his positions on Northumberland County and Hexham Town Councils.

Hexham Town Councillor Derek Kennedy is happy to take responsibility for reporting and
dealing with Northumberland County Council at this time on your behalf.

Derek said
“The winter time is when most people require the most from their council. If you need the grit box re-filled, a drain or gulley cleaned, or a council gritter to attend to your street, then please do get in touch with me immediately and I will deal direct with the County Council.

Any other issues such as planning matters etc I am also happy to deal with.

We thank Colin Cessford for his past efforts, and send our best wishes for the future.”

Derek Kennedy is one of your current Hexham Town Councillors (since 2003) and he has also represented you on Northumberland County and Tynedale District Councils.

Please contact Derek Kennedy at
Email –
Telephone – 01434 607669
Address – 2 Alemouth Road, Hexham, NE46 3PJ
