Highways England £30 million scheme to build an underpass on the A69 at Hexham’s roundabout has been met with fury from local people. Highways England explained that during the building work there would be no right-hand turn allowed.

  • This would mean if you were leaving Hexham and heading to Newcastle, you would have to go westwards to Acomb and do a u-turn to head back eastwards.
  • Those traveling from the west to Hexham would be diverted to Corbrige before doubling back to Hexham.
  • The diversions would last from April 2019 for around one year.

Councillor Derek Kennedy said “We need improvements to the A69 and the £30 million should be spent on improvements at the Hexham West/Warden junction or Acomb junction or further dualling in the west.  The underpass will provide no real benefit and is a waste of money.  The proposed diversions will cause enormous problems for Hexham residents and traders.  The proposed Acomb u-turn is incredibly dangerous and I do not see how this can be effective, it will cause lots of queuing on the A69.

Derek went on to say “Our high street is struggling, I spoke to a number of traders and they all said any A69 diversion will cause them huge problems, with some saying they will likely go out of business. I am very worried that the Bunker site development of a hotel, supermarket and car park could be compromised if the developers becomes concerned at the health of Hexham. Traders at French Gardens (Euro garage site) on Rotary Way advise me they will be severely affected if the proposals go ahead. I am appalled and am calling on Highways England and Northumberland County Council to immediately pause all works and re-consider the need for the scheme.  We need the Hexham and Tynedale public and traders to be consulted as the impacts are huge for all of us.

Do you have a view on this subject let Derek know by emailing him at