Hexham West’s County Councillor Derek Kennedy stayed true to his word and took a motion to the Hexham Town Council demanding that the Government review the new school funding formula.

Derek pointed out that:

The unions are reporting that the following 6 Hexham schools will suffer considerable cuts by 2019 these include

  • QEHS – £521,000 12% cut
  • HMS – £176,000 9% cut
  • Sele First – £107,000 8% cut
  • Hexham East First – £32,000 6% cut
  • St Joseph – £124,000 8% cut
  • St Mary – £40,000 10% cut

The Government’s own review body, the National Audit Office, has stated there will be a real terms nationwide reduction of 8% by 2019 if these plans go ahead.

Derek said “In total Hexham schools will lose a combined £1 million per year by 2019. In Northumberland the total figure is £17 million per year. This will have a huge impact on our children’s education.  Hexham’s youth are the forgotten children when it comes to funding.”

The Town Council agreed Derek’s motion and this will be sent to the Secretary of State for Education, calling for a fair financial settlement so no child loses out.

In another blow, Tynedale received a few crumbs from a multi-million school project. 41 schools in the region will share £34 million on school buildings however Tynedale only got one project approved, that of Hexham Middle School getting a new school roof.<br>Derek said “The QE High School is a crumbling ruin that needs urgent attention, I just cannot believe we have been ignored again.”<br>You can read more about school funding in the Hexham Courant

Derek lobbies for more school funding

Raw deal for Hexham schools