Hexham News – Loosing Hill car park closure

On 1st February Hexham’s Loosing Hill car park will close. The County Council will begin the building of the new bus station on the site, this is expected to take 6 months.

Councillor Derek Kennedy visited the site and said “I counted over 120 parking spaces that will be lost during this time.  This is a busy car park used by many residents when visiting the hospital and doctors opposite.

The loss of these spaces will add more pressure to the already chaotic parking problems the town is suffering.  When built, the bus station will have some new buildings attached to it but only a small number of parking spaces will be retained adjacent to the bus station.

Derek added “I remain concerned at the location of the new bus station, it is very close to 2 busy roundabouts and it could be difficult for those using the buses to cross the roads to walk into the town centre and back again.  I will continue to press for safe crossing points.”

Do you have any views? Contact Derek Kennedy at email address derekhexham@gmail.net